July 12, 2021
Inclusion of structural engineering in the BIM methodology
The general perspective that exists about BIM is that it is a great project visualization tool, another group of people has the vision that it is useful for this and also to quantify. This very limited vision of BIM is shared by many (if not the vast majority) structural colleagues, at least speaking of Mexico.
Ing. Francisco Rosas
July 19, 2021
LEAN and BIM: The changes that
is living construction
Construction is currently undergoing two important changes, the first of which is the adoption of a "lean" strategic and operational thinking, focused on the continuous elimination of waste, maximizing added value to the client; and the transformation of processes in organizations...
Ing. Pablo Tellaeche
July 26, 2021
Chapter 1: Digital Construction
Today when we hear about digitization or virtuality, they are words that we hardly associate with construction, engineering or architecture. This is because we who are dedicated to thebuildingwe continue to build the same as more than two thousand years ago!!! This is when the reader thinks, "This woman has lost her oremus!
Architect Master in BIM Methodology: Belem Duarte
August 16, 2021
Failures of the BIM implementation to companies
It is known that the term BIM is beginning to be popular in the market, which indicates that there are different business owners, project managers and developers who are beginning to learn of the existence of a technological world associated with the construction industry. Being very visual information (three-dimensional models), the subject of BIM manages to draw your attention strongly.
Ing. Luis Hernandez
Civil Engineer Administrator
August 9, 2021
Chapter 3: Sequentiality... The Origin of Evil
The RAE tells us that the word sequentiality comes from the Latin sequentia 'which means continuation', from sequi 'to follow' (we already started with the Romans). The sequence is a series or succession of things that have a certain relationship with each other, where there is continuity.
Architect Master in BIM Methodology: Belem Duarte
August 2, 2021
Chapter 2: Digital Construction What is BIM?
Today, the notion of BIM has wrong views caused, in my humble opinion, by the interests of the different actors in the AECO sector, which try to bias the global understanding of what BIM is, so it seems to me a good idea to start with try to explain what BIM is NOT.
Architect Master in BIM Methodology: Belem Duarte